Chris Fouser is a life-long dog and cat owner. With an athletic background, Chris took his two passions – animals and exercise – and formed Zen Pet Care Services. The concept for Zen Pet Care Services developed after Chris saw statistics indicating that "53% of adult dogs and 55% of cats in the U.S. are overweight, causing arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney disease, certain cancers and heart, and respiratory disease."
This sparked Chris' interest in creating a company that focuses on pet care and exercise. Exercising keeps your dog healthy and limber while reducing behavioral problems such as excessive licking, barking, chewing, digging, and other anxiety-related behaviors. It also helps your dog build trust and confidence in their handler and environment.
"Chris goes above and beyond to take our dog on the coolest trail runs. We have a very happy doggo because of Zen!" - Jenni S.